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Adriana Castillo appointed Sustainability Ambassador
Adriana Castillo as sustainability ambassador for the “Lust for a better life” categories Commitm...
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Interview in the Hessenschau “Start-ups series – women start things differently”.
In Hesse, only 13.9 percent of all companies have been founded by women. In this interview, Adria...
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Article from the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung” about start-ups by women with migration experience
Adriana Castillo reports about her life as a migrant in Germany and her company TASHAY
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Adriana Castillo introduces herself at the 20th Hessian Women Entrepreneurs' Day
Jumpp.de is organizing the 20th Hessian Women's Entrepreneurs' Day as a coordination point for women and business with the motto “Empower: Female entrepreneurship of the future”.
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Podcast by Christian Gleitze
Podcast by Christian Gleitze in his episode number 41 of “The Connecting Dots Podcast”. Adriana Castillo is the founder and CEO of TASHAY.
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Interview with Julio Lagos, Argentine presenter
Interview with Julio Lagos, Argentine presenter of Radio Rivadavia AM630 in his program “Mañana es Ahora”
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